first day on october

owRite, now we are in first day on october. Yeah the day will come closer. The day where i must pushed away my self and get out from comfort zone. That's very important because i will give the best struggle for my graduate later.


i have arrange my future which like continue study to take professi. ow yah now i am student in some university in Indonesia and my my field is nutrition. yupps, trying to caring and sharing what about food and health especially food intake. how we can improve our health and knowledgement. dont you think that knowledge is not important for life. from knowledgement we can do anything that we want. we can do something that other think impossible, rite ?

we're back. big dream, two word but full of meaning. everyone has manner to reach it, include me. we start from zero, never stop learning, asking more and trying to get new information. ah yaa every people who meet in every event or moment are new link, new information so you must be kindly and interesting people. then we wil become a friend(s). 

in some event i have been to, i always get new friends. for the first we small talk about the event (event i had attended much talk about education) then we sharing own future. we making appoinment that someday we will photo under the colloseum or eiffel toward. it just support ourself to making more spirit .

one things should their know that everything is possible happened while they last effort and prayer .

please leave comment for improve my notice english. i'll very appreciate



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