Ramadhan are coming

yuhuuuu..... Ramadhan are coming.. say Alhamdulillah for long life has been given, for simple family and friends also my great boyfriends. Say alhamdulillah for everything what you had have. Ramadhan is also pure month for all moslem in the world. When we always be gratefull, Allah has always given more and more. Did you trust on me? exactly yes. This is Allah mathemetaics. But sometime we comapared with others, yes this is naturally happened. However His plan never beautiful than us. As i see it, Ramadhan makes everyone show up with new style like clothes, activities and body also, hahaa... its better!! For tommorow morning, new life has began Hopefully, you will get new jobs. Job which makes you more comfort, high salary and high position. Of course in the hospital. Never give up and always do the best. Just believe in God will show you right way if you were dependent on Him. HAPPY FASTING ALL MOSLEM IN THE WORLD .....