
Long time ago, there a happily spouse. In August, was born child and the name is AMARILIS NURDITA PAWESTRI. Her nickname is AMARILIS. She is growing up faster, smart and health (Alhamdulillah...). Her parents really proud of her because now she had passed collegues and become and DIETITIAN who help maintenance other people have problem with food disorder, body weight or illnes. Yes, many people will need her obviously!
She is hardworker but sometime a deadliners (it because too many homework she has to do) really like travelling with her boyfriend, enjoying with their study group (yes, she very like. it makes her socilizing, learn how to talk with many people, how to give opinion when you under pressure. It very useful). 
She has a big dream. (one again, BIG DREAM!!) She is wanna makes change about food hunger starts from environment until abroad. Four year studying about health, nutrition and illness makes her very respect with herself. Trying do the best to other people who need her help, anything! After this, she will continue their study in abroad (pray for me...) to understanding about nutrition and health and to get more closer her dream.
She is like reading, studying, swimming and sleeping, but dont like hiking. hahaaa. Prefer travelling than backpacker. Watching movie in break time. She is independent women and really


so, enjoy my notes ....

Cheers :)


soon to be a Nutritionist then continue study to get professionalism Registered Dietitian (RD) who worked at hospital as a Dietitian

and, i am very proud of having SUPER BOYFRIENDS who always supported me everything that could be encourage my positive activity, removing the tears when i sadness, cool smile that i could forgot bad-day, warm big hug and the best shoulder.

aaaaaanndd the last but not least, you guys can contact me just for sharing or have fun, at ....

twitter : amarilisnp
email :

    Sincerity of Love
Amarilis Nurdita Pawestri  



  1. cita cita itu dibuat dan di susun untuk membahagiakan kita kelak..bukan untuk menyusahkan kita kelak..kerja cermat cerdas..bukan kerja keras tanpa memperhatikan hak dan kewajiban tubuh nya..karena apa..??cita"tak ingin ketika ia tercapai orang yang berjuang untuk menggapai nya tidak bisa menikmati hasil gapaian nya..semangat untuk kerja cerdas dan cermat for our dream..happy 5years 1week 2day..buat aku setiap hari adalah hari spesial ketika bertama kamu kamu menerima hati aku...

    always love you..


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