i am Bachelor of Nutrition

YEAAAAYY... alhamdulillah i had passed for last exam. Super duper alhamdulillah because this is moment i am waiting for since when i am collect a paper, ehmm which is two month ago. Yess so (very) long time. Actually in other campus, if you collect a paper now and you can exam 2-3 week later, but me? My lecturer left messagge that i must be reading often so that you can remind what you write on the paper. But the fact is no. Big no!! I am so lazy about it. Let’s imagine, if you were study hard that night and hopefully the exam is tommorow but something trouble were happened and make your exams postpone next month or next two month later. What should you do? I am one hundred sure your answer is “okee... i will study if tommorow exam. Now? You dont need”. Am i right?
Just less a month for arrange the paper, it makes me a little not sure about the chapter 6 but it doesnt matter. I keep going and finnally, my lecturer were very surprise. Aaaakkk... i am happy. Now, i can not wait the result. Very hopefully i will got an A. Pray for me, pleaseee
(let’s do another planning. Hap..hap..hapo... time is running out...)


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