naaaaahh selesai dari JapFon gue sama temen gue langsung meluncur ke tetangga sebelah. Yaa ga sebelah-sebelah amat sih. Kalo diukur dari jarak busway itu sekitar selang 2shelter deh, ngga jauh sih tapi kalo jalan yaa brasa banget apalagi itu siang bolong coba. Yupss kita ke At America, pusat kebudayaan Amerika. Pertama kali kesana gue sdikit amazed, disana ada google maps yang gedenya kebangetan. Kita bisa foto sama tempat-tempat yang adanya di ujung dunia sekalipun. Sayangnya gue ga bisa upload foto banyaka disini soalnya lagi lemot internetnya. Tapi gpapalah yaa dengerin ceritanya aja juga cukup ko. Di sana selalu aja ada acara semacam talkshow gitu, its free ko dan terbuka untuk umum. Sebenernya gue mau ikutan acaranya, abis temanya bagus waktu itu. Kalo ga salag tentang "anak-anak yang dapat mengubanh dunia" ato semacam anak yang berpengaruh terhadap dunia gitu deh. Lupa saya. Tapi pas nyampe sana acaranya udah mulai jadi ngga enak kalo tiba-tiba lagi ngobrol trus beren...
Almost 2week at home. no kids, no husby and no more people accompany me. So Sad, but this is the best time for rewind what happened to me. no wrong. I am fine. Just need more time for relax, for rebahan's day, for marathon movie time. Ngga ada yang salah dengan keadaan yang sekarang. Lets introspection ourselves that our earth has always running to-go, then life is must go-on. Ngga ada yang perlu disesali, back than we have to greatful what happen now. Husby, Kiddo. Two man whi always support me, in whatever situation. They always giving big smile, deep-hugs, and he always said, "come on, umiii.. the world waiting us to explore". With his slim lips, ouhhh that smile really i miss. I dont care about other people who go away or just didnt know me. I really dont care. Because i have lil' family who always support. Dont be afraid Take a deep breathe, then let them go... Haaaahh... many things, yess so many thing you can do it right now. but dont forget to always say, Alha...
owRite, now we are in first day on october. Yeah the day will come closer. The day where i must pushed away my self and get out from comfort zone. That's very important because i will give the best struggle for my graduate later. BIG DREAM!!! i have arrange my future which like continue study to take professi. ow yah now i am student in some university in Indonesia and my my field is nutrition. yupps, trying to caring and sharing what about food and health especially food intake. how we can improve our health and knowledgement. dont you think that knowledge is not important for life. from knowledgement we can do anything that we want. we can do something that other think impossible, rite ? we're back. big dream, two word but full of meaning. everyone has manner to reach it, include me. we start from zero, never stop learning, asking more and trying to get new information. ah yaa every people who meet in every event or moment are new link, new information so you must be...
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